Sleepy Hollow Season 2 Ep 7 (TV Show Review)

The last two episodes of Sleepy Hollow have focused on how our characters have a past that comes back to haunt them in some way, whether it is a jilted lover that Ichabod knew back in the day, or the son of Abby’s mentor who took her in when she was a lost and confused kid. It has certainly been an interesting couple weeks as we saw how Henry is intent on manipulating and corrupting those around the Two Witnesses, especially their staunchest alley Captain Irving. The show has done well in its second season, but I think we can all agree that with a third of the season now over, it is time for things to kick into gear.

This week’s “Deliverance” delivers handily on that last count. At the end of the previous episode we saw that Henry conjured a spider out of the jincan (sp?) that he pretty much stole from the Witnesses and then let it loose on Katrina. The promo for this week’s episode then showed some disturbing things that hinted at how Moloch was growing impatient with Henry’s efforts in the real world and we realized that Henry is a totally insane individual and that he is also pretty damn badass. “Deliverance” really is a magnificent episode that does much to address some recent prominent subplots and also delivers (pun intended) on the promise of grand things happening in this season.

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Gotham Season 1 Ep 7 (TV Show Review)

Right in the very first episode of Gotham, we saw some pretty big things happen. The Waynes were murdered. Gordon and Bullock caught the supposed murderer and killed him (though it later turned out that it was a setup). The two came close to losing their lives at the hands of Fish Mooney, one of Gotham’s resident mob bosses, working under Falcone. And Gordon was forced to kill Oswald Cobblepot, or so everyone believed. It was a right ruckus and in the cliffhanger last week, Oswald revealed publicly that he was very much alive, though that does create a lot of problems for Gordon.

Through and through, this week’s “Penguin’s Umbrella” is entirely focused on Gordon as it shows the aftermath of Oswald’s revelation and what it means for the young, unjaded cop as he strives to make a difference in the city. He is a marked man since he went against the orders of Carmine Falcone and everyone is pretty much just waiting for him to drop dead. This episode is pretty much the best episode of the show so far, showing what Gotham can really be like in a lot of ways, and we also see the cameo of a long-standing Batman villain here, who is every bit as creepy as you’d expect him to be. The cliffhanger is pretty damn jaw-dropping as well, and I dare say that Gotham can definitely hold its own against Arrow and The Flash if it continues like this.

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