Comics Reviews

A listing of all my comics and graphic novels reviews. The list is organised by publisher, and then by title, unless part of some massive crossover events or relaunches, etc. Reviews marked in green are guest reviews by me on sites other than The Founding Fields and this blog. Reviews marked in orange are part of The Founding Fields’ comics round-up series run by me, with the round-up number in the brackets. A DR means that its a double review.


  1. Dredd Uprise#1 (DR), #2 (DR),

Archaia Entertainment

  1. Hacktivist – #1, #2, #3,
  2. Space: 1999Aftershock & Awe (R11),

Archie Comics

  1. Afterlife with Archie #1, #2, #3, #4, #5,
  2. Life With Archie#36-37,
  3. Sabrina – #1,

Avatar Press

  1. Caliban#1, #2, #3,

BOOM! Studios

  1. Curse #1, #2,
  2. Deep State #1 (DR),
  3. Hexed#1-2, #3, #4 (DR), #5 (DR),
  4. Polarity#1-2 (R23),
  5. Robocop: The Last Stand#1,
  6. The Hypernaturals – #1-2 (R3), #3-5 (R9),

Dark Horse Comics

  1. Alien vs Predator: Fire and Stone#1-2,
  2. Angel & Faith:
    1. Season 9 – Vol.1: Live Through This, Vol.2: Daddy Issues,
    2. Season 10 – #1, #2-3,
  3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
    1. Season 10 – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7,
  4. Conan:
    1. ConanVol.1Vol.2, *new*,
    2. Conan the Avenger – #1,
    3. Conan the Barbarian#1-3, #4-6,
    4. Conan/Red Sonja #1,
    5. King Conan: The Conqueror#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,
    6. The People of The Black Circle#1, #2, #3,
    7. The Phantoms of The Black Coast,
  5. Darksiders – Vol.1: Death’s Door (R11),
  6. Deep Gravity #1, #2, #3,
  7. Dragon Age Vol.1: – The Silent Grove, Vol.2 – Those Who Speak (R9),
  8. EVE: True Stories #1, #2,
  9. Immortal: Demon in the Blood Vol.1,
  10. Itty Bitty Hellboy – #1,
  11. Predator: Fire and Stone – #1, #2,
  12. Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1-2, #3-4 (DR),
  13. Serenity: Leaves On The Wind – #1,
  14. Star Wars:
    1. #1 (R10), #2 (R12), #3-5 (R19), #6-8,
    2. Agent of the EmpireVol.1 – Iron Eclipse (R8),
    3. Darth Maul:
      1. Death Sentence (R14),
      2. Son of Dathomir#1,
    4. Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison (R13),
    5. Dawn of the Jedi – Vol.1 – Force Storm,
    6. Legacy IIVol.1, Vol.2,
    7. Rebel Heist#1,
  15. Sundowners #1,
  16. Tomb Raider #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #11, #12,
  17. White Suits#1,

DC Comics

  1. Arrow Season 2.5 #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10,
  2. Batgirl:
    1. v2 (Cassandra Cain) – Volume 1: Redemption Road
    2. v3 (Stephanie Brown) – Vol.1 (R29),
  3. Batman:
    1. A Death In The Family
    2. Knight Saga #1:
      1. Knightfall – Vol.1 (R18),
  4. Before Watchmen:
    1. Comedian#1, #2,
    2. Dr. Manhattan#1, #2, #3,
    3. Minutemen#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6.
    4. Moloch#1, #2
    5. Nite Owl#1, #2, #3,
    6. Ozymandias#1,
    7. Rorschach#1,
    8. Silk Spectre – #1, #2, #3, #4,
  5. Beware the Batman#1,
  6. Birds of Prey:
    1. Vol.1Vol.3: Of Like Minds and Vol.4: Sensei and Student,
  7. Blackest Night:
    1. Blackest Night,
  8. Gotham Central – Special Edition #1,
  9. Green Lantern:
    1. Vol.3Rebirth (R14), No Fear (R17), Sinestro Corps War,
  10. He-Man:
    1. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe#1-4 (RHM), #5-6,
    2. Masters of the UniverseThe Origin of Skeletor (RHM), The Origin of Hordak,
    3. Masters of the Universe#1-7 (RHM), #8
  11. Injustice: Gods Among Us – #1,
  12. Lot 13#1-2,
  13. New 52:
    1. Action Comics #23.1, #23.4 (R26),
    2. Aquaman#0-12, #13-15 (R10), #16-21 (R21), #22-23, #23.1, #23.2, Annual 2013, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, Annual 2014, #33-34, #35-37, #38,
    3. Aquaman and The Others#1,
    4. BatgirlVol.1, Vol.2, #13-22, 2012 Annual, #23, #24, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, Annual #2, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35,
    5. Batman – #0, #1-10, #11-12 (R1), Annual #1, #13-15 (R8), #16-18 (R15), #19-21 (R21), Annual #2 (FFR), #22-23, #23.1, #23.3, #23.4 (R26), #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30,
    6. Batman: Eternal#1, #2, #3, #4, #35 (DR), #36-37 (DR),
    7. Batman: The Dark Knight#23.1, #23.2 (R25), #23.3,
    8. Batman and Robin – #1-6, #23.1, #23.2,
    9. Batman/Superman #1-2 (R23), #3, #3.1,
    10. Birds of Prey – #0, #1-22,
    11. Catwoman #25, #27, #35, #36, #37, Annual #2, #38,
    12. Constantine – #1,
    13. Damian: Son of Batman#1, #2,
    14. Deathstroke#1,
    15. Detective Comics#19-24, #23.4, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #37-38 (DR),
    16. Earth 2#0, #1-4 (R2), #5-7 (R8), #8-9 (R13), #10-12 (R20), Annual, #13-15, #15.2 (R25),
    17. Earth 2: World’s End#1, #2,
    18. Flash – Annual #1, #1-3, Volume 4, Annual #2, #23.1, #23.3, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29,
    19. Forever Evil#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7,
    20. Forever Evil: Arkham War#1, #2,
    21. Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,
    22. Future’s End:
      1. #0-1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13-16, #17-20, #21, #22, #23-24, #31 (DR),
      2. Action Comics/Aquaman (DR),
      3. Batgirl/Batman (DR),
      4. Batwing/Detective Comics (DR),
      5. Catwoman/G.I. Zombie (DR),
      6. Grayson/Green Arrow (DR),
      7. Green Lantern/Phantom Stranger (DR),
      8. Green Lantern Corps/New Suicide Squad (DR),
      9. Harley Quinn,
      10. Justice League/Justice League United (DR),
      11. Sinestro/Superman (DR),
      12. Supergirl/Teen Titans (DR),
    23. G.I.Zombie#1-2,
    24. Gotham Academy#1, #2, #3, #4,
    25. Grayson#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, Annual 2014, #6, #7 ,
    26. Green Arrow#24 (FFR), #25, #26, #27, #28, #29-30, #31, #32,
    27. Green Lantern – #0-23, Annual #1, #23.1 (R25), #23.4 (R26),
    28. Green Lantern/New Gods: Godhead#1,
    29. Harley Quinn #0, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, Annual #1,
    30. Harley Quinn Invades Comic Con – #1,
    31. He-Man and the Masters of the Universe:

      1. Vol.3, Vol.4,
      2. The Eternity War#1, #2,
    32. Huntress#1-6 (R14),
    33. I, Vampire – #0, #1-6 (R5),
    34. Justice League 3000#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #12-13 (DR),
    35. Justice League#1-6 (R3), #7-12 ( R4), #13-15 (R10), #22-23, #23.1, #23.2 (R25), #23.4, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #37 (DR), #38,
    36. Justice League DarkVol.1 (R22), Vol.2 (R24), Vol.3 (R25), #22-23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #30, #31, #32, #33-34, #35, Annual #2, #36, #37, #38,
    37. Justice League United – #0, Annual #1,
    38. Justice League of America #1 (R13), #2-4 (R19), #5, #6-7, #7.4, #8,
    39. Justice League of America’s Vibe – Volume 1,
    40. Katana#1 (R12), #2,
    41. Larfleeze – #1-2,
    42. Lois Lane #1,
    43. New Suicide Squad – #1, #2-3, #4,
    44. Nightwing – #0-21-24, Annual 2013, #25,
    45. Red Lanterns#0-12, #13-14,
    46. Robin Rises: Omega #1,
    47. Secret Origins#5, #6,
    48. Secret Six – #1,
    49. Sinestro#1, #2,
    50. Smallville Season 11 – (Chaos) #1,
    51. Swamp Thing#35-37 (DR), #38, #39,
    52. Suicide Squad: Amanda Waller#1,
    53. Superboy – #1-3, Volume 3,
    54. Supergirl – Volumes 1-3, #21-23, #36-37, #38,
    55. Superman #32, #33-34,
    56. Superman: Doomed#1,
    57. Superman Unchained #1 (DR), #2-3 (FFR), #4, #5, #6,
    58. Talon – #0-1,
    59. Team 7#0, #1-3,
    60. Teen Titans – #0, #1-6 (R6),#7-12 (R7),  Annual 2012, #13-19, #23.1,
    61. The Movement #1 (DR), #2-3 (R22), #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12,
    62. The Multiversity – #1,
    63. Trinity of Sin#1, #2,
    64. Trinity of Sin: Pandora#1 (DR), #2-3
    65. Trinity of Sin: The Phantom StrangerVolume 1 (R28), #10-13, #14, #15, #18, #19, #20, #21,
    66. Wonder Woman – #0, #1-10, #11-12 (R1), #13-15 (R10), #23.1, #36, #37, #38,
    67. World’s Finest – #0-15,
  14. Nightwing:
    1. Vol. 1Volume 1 (R24),
  15. Power Girl:
    1. Vol.1 – A New Beginning (R20),
  16. Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #8, #9, #16, #17-18,
  17. Scooby-Doo Team-Up#1,
  18. Superman:
    1. Birthright,
    2. Earth One – Vol.2,
    3. The Death of SupermanBook 1: Doomsday (R22),
  19. The Flash Season Zero#1-2, #3,
  20. Wonder Woman
    1. ’77#1,
    2. OdysseyVol.1 (R15), Vol.2 (R25),
    3. v3 – Vol.1 (R16),
  21. ZatannaVolume 1 (R28),

Dynamite Entertainment

  1. Battlestar Galactica:
    1. Death of Apollo #1, #2,
    2. Six – #1,
  2. Chastity#1-3, #4-6 (DR),
  3. Conan/Red Sonja #1,
  4. Django/Zorro #1 (DR), #2 (DR),
  5. Doc Savage#1,
  6. Flash Gordon – #1, #2,
  7. John Carter:
    1. Dejah of Mars#1,
    2. Dejah Thoris and the White Apes of Mars#1-2 (R3), #3-4 (R5),
    3. Warriors of Mars – #1-3 (R2), #4-5 (R9),
    4. Warlord of Mars Volume 1, Volume 2, #100,
    5. Warlord of Mars v2#1, #2, #3,
    6. Warlord of Mars: Dejah ThorisVol. 1 and 2, Vol.3 (R15),
  8. Kings Watch – #1, #2-3,
  9. Kirby: Genesis
    1. Captain Victory – Vol.1,
    2. Kirby: Genesis – Vol.1,
    3. Silver Star – Vol.1,
  10. Pathfinder:
    1. City of Secrets#1, #2, #3-6,
  11. Prophecy#1-5 (R9), #6-7,
  12. Red Sonja:
    1. v2 – #0, #1 (FFR), #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14,
    2. Berserker,
    3. Legends of Red Sonja#1,
    4. Li’l Sonja#1,
    5. Red Sonja and Cub,
    6. Vulture’s Circle #1, #2,
  13. The Phantom:
    1. King: The Phantom #1,
    2. The Last PhantomVolume 1 (R21),
  14. Vampirella:
    1. v2 – #1, #2-3, #4, #5, #7-8 (DR),
    2. Vampirella Strikes#1 (R13), #2-3,
  15. Witchblade:
    1. Demon Reborn,
  16. Witchblade/Red Sonja – #1-2 (R2), #3-5 (R7)

Hermes Press

  1. The Phantom#1,

Icon Comics

  1. Painkiller Jane#1, #2,
  2. Painkiller Jane: The 22 Brides#1,

IDW Publishing

  1. Battle Beasts – #1-2 (R1), #3-4,
  2. Danger Girl/G.I.Joe   #1-3 (R2),
  3. Dungeons & Dragons:
    1. Legends of Baldur’s Gate#1, #2, #3, #4,
    2. Vol.1 – Shadowplague,
  4. G.I. Joe:
    1. G.I. Joe v1Vol.1 (R16), Vol.2 (R17),
    2. G.I. Joe v4#1, #2-4 (DR),
    3. CobraVol.1 (R17), Vol.2 (R18),
    4. Cobra Command – Vol.1, Vol.2Vol.3,
    5. Special Missions#1-3,
  5. Illegitimates#1,
  6. Judge Dredd:
    1. Judge Dredd #1,
    2. Anderson, Psi-Division#1-2,
  7. Kill Shakespeare:
    1. Vol. 1 & 2
  8. Locke & Key:
    1. Vol.1 – Welcome to Lovecraft
  9. Magic the Gathering:
    1. Vol.1
    2. Vol.2 – Spell Thief – #1-2 (R1), #3-4 (R7),
    3. Vol.4 Theros#1, #2,
  10. Samurai Jack#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10-12, #13, #14, #15, #16,
  11. Star Trek:
    1. #29-30,
    2. Flesh and Stone,
    3. Khan – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5,
    4. New Visions#1,
  12. Star Trek/Planet of the Apes – #1, #2,
  13. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    1. The Secret History of the Foot Clan#1-2 (R11), #3-4,
    2. Mircro-series – Alopex, Baxter, Bebop and Rocksteady, Splinter,
  14. Transformers:
    1. Windblade#1, #2, #3,

Image Comics

  1. Bitch Planet#1 (DR),
  2. Black Science #1 (FFR), #2 (FFR), #3 (FFR), #4-5, #6,
  3. Chew/Revival#1,
  4. COWL#1,
  5. Deadly Class #1 (FFR),
  6. Dream Police#1, #2,
  7. Higher Earth – #1-2,
  8. Lazarus#1 (DR), #2-3 (R25), #4, #5, #6, #7, #8,
  9. Nailbiter#1,
  10. Planetoid #1-2 (R6), #3,
  11. Rocket Girl – #1 (FFR), #2-3, #4,
  12. Saga Vol.1, #7-9,
  13. Velvet#1 (FFR), #2 (FFR), #3 (FFR), #4, #5, #6-7, #8,
  14. The Wicked + The Divine#1 (FFR),
  15. Wayward#1, #2, #3, #4-5,

Marvel Comics

  1. Captain America:
    1. Living Legends #1 (R27),
    2. Winter Soldier – Vol.1 (R20),
  2. Civil War:
    1. Civil War,
  3. Daredevil:
    1. Vol.3 – Volume 1 (R20),
  4. FF#1-2 (R6), #3-4,
  5. First X-Men – #1-3 (R5),
  6. Hawkeye#1-2 (R4),
  7. Marvel Now/All-New Marvel Now:
    1. All-New Ghost Rider – #1,
    2. All-New Invaders#1 (R30), #2,
    3. All-New X-Factor#1, #2,
    4. All-New X-Men – #16, Special #1, #17,
    5. Amazing Spider-Man#1, #2, #3, #7, #8-9,
    6. Amazing X-Men #1, #2,
    7. Angela: Asgard’s Assassin#1 (DR), #2 (DR),
    8. Ant-Man#1,
    9. Avengers Undercover #1,
    10. Black Widow#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #12, #13, #14,
    11. Bucky Barnes: Winter Soldier – #1 (DR),
    12. Captain America#1 (R8),
    13. Captain Marvel (New Ongoing) – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 (DR), #7 (DR),
    14. Cyclops#1,
    15. Daredevil – #1, #1.50, #2, #3, #8,
    16. Deadpool#27,
    17. Death of Wolverine:
      1. #1, #2, #3, #4,
      2. Deadpool & Captain America#1,
      3. Life After Logan #1,
      4. Weapon X Program#1, #2, #3, #4-5,
    18. Elektra#1,
    19. Fantastic Four#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6-7, #8-11, #12, #13,
    20. Guardians of the GalaxyVol.1,
    21. Guardians 3000 #1 (DR),
    22. Hulk#1, #2, #3-4,
    23. Indestructible HulkSpecial #1,
    24. Infinity#1-6,
    25. Infinity: Heist#1, #2,
    26. Inhuman – #1, #2, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11,
    27. Inhumanity#1, #2,
    28. Inhumanity: Superior Spider-Man#1,
    29. Iron Fist: The Living Weapon#1,
    30. Iron Man #23,
    31. Iron Patriot – #1,
    32. Mighty Avengers#1, #2, #3,
    33. Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man#1, #2, #3,
    34. Ms. Marvel#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 (DR), #8 (DR), #9, #10,
    35. Nightcrawler#1, #2,
    36. New Warriors #1, #2, #3,
    37. Operation: SIN #1 (DR),
    38. Original Sin:
      1. #0, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, Annual,
      2. Hulk vs Iron Man#1,
      3. Thor and Loki: The Tenth Realm#1, #2-4, #5,
    39. Revolutionary War:
      1. Alpha #1,
      2. Dark Angel#1,
      3. Death’s Head II#1,
      4. Knights of Pendragon#1 (R30),
      5. Motormouth – #1,
      6. Super Soldiers – #1,
      7. Warheads#1,
      8. Omega#1,
    40. Savage Wolverine#19,
    41. Secret Avengers v2 – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #11, #12,
    42. She-Hulk – #1,
    43. Shield #1, #2,
    44. Silver Surfer#1, #2, #3, #4, #5,
    45. Spider-Verse:
      1. Edge of Spider-Verse #1 , #2,
      2. Scarlet Spiders#1, #2 (DR), #3 (DR),
      3. Spider-Verse Team-Up #1, #2 (DR),
      4. Spider-Verse#1,
    46. Spider-Woman#1, #2 (DR), #3 (DR),
    47. Star Wars#1,
    48. Storm#1, #2-3, #4, #5,
    49. Superior Iron Man – #1,
    50. Superior Spider-ManAnnual #1, Annual #2,
    51. Superior Spider-Man Team-UpSpecial #1,
    52. ThanosAnnual #1,
    53. Thanos Rising #1-5,
    54. Thor #1,
    55. Thor: God of Thunder – #1, #2-4 (R10), #5-11, #12, #13 (FFR), #14-15,
    56. Uncanny X-Men#12, #13, #14 (FFR),
    57. Ultimate FF#1,
    58. Wolverine and the X-Men#36, #37, #38, Annual #1,
    59. X-Force#1,
    60. X-Men – #1 (DR), #2-4, #5, #6,
    61. X-Men: Battle of the Atom#1, #2,
    62. Young AvengersVolume 1 (R25), #6-9,
  8. Punisher:
  9. Trial of the Punisher#1 (R27),
  10. Spider-Man:
    1. The Amazing Spider-Man#648-651 (R12), #700.1, #700.2,
    2. Marvel Knights#1 (R27),
    3. Spider-Men – Vol.1 (R5),
    4. Ultimate Spider-Man (v2)#1-6 (R4), #7-14 (R7),
    5. Ultimate Spider-Man #200,
  11. Thor:
    1. The Mighty ThorVol.1 (R18),
  12. VenomVol.1 (R16),
  13. Wolverine:
    1. Vol.3Volume 1: The Brotherhood (R21),
    2. Origin II#1,
  14. X-men:
    1. v3 – Vol.1 – Curse of the Mutants, Vol.2 – To Serve And Protect,
    2. Marvel Knights#1, #2, #3,
  15. Ultimate Comics:

Oni Press

  1. Brides of Helheim#1, #2, #3 (DR),

Top Cow

  1. IXth Generation#1,
  2. Aphrodite:
    1. Volume 2 (IX) – #1 (DR), #2-3 (R23), #4, #5, #6,
  3. Artifacts – Vol.1 (R3), Vol.2 (R4),
  4. Bushido – #1, #2, #3-4, #5,
  5. Darkness: Rebirth – Vol.1,
  6. Death Vigil#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6,
  7. RavineVol.1 (R14),
  8. SunsetVol.1,
  9. Witchblade:
    1. Volume 1, Volume 2,
    2. #170, #171, #172, #173, #174, #175, #176-178, #179,

UDON Entertainment

  1. Street Fighter #0 FCBD 2014,


  1. Archer and Armstrong:
    1. Vol.1,
    2. One Percent#1 (DR),
  2. Armor Hunters #1,
  3. Doctor Mirage#1 ,
  4. Eternal Warrior:
    1. Days of Steel #1, #2, #3,
  5. Ivar, Timewalker#1,
  6. Rai#1, #2, #5 (DR),
  7. The Valiant#1, #2,
  8. Unity – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5-6, #7, #8, #9, #10-11, #12 (DR),
  9. X-O Manowar#23, #0,


  1. American Vampire:
    1. Anthology#1 (FFR), #1, #2, #3,
  2. Coffin Hill#1, #2, #3, #4,
  3. FablesVol.1 (R15), Vol.2 (R18),
  4. FairestVol.1 (R19),
  5. Hinterkind#1, #2,
  6. The Kitchen#1 (DR), #2, #3,
  7. The Royals: Masters of War#1-2, #3,
  8. The Sandman: Overture#1,
  9. The Wake#1-2 (DR),
  10. Trillium#1 (FFR), #2, #3,


  1. Grimm Fairy Tales:
    1. FCBD 2014, Annual 2014, 2014 Holiday Edition (DR),
    2. #101, #102, #103, #104 (DR), #105, #106, #107,
    3. Age of DarknessVolume 1,
    4. Alice in Wonderland – Vol.1 (R6),
    5. Helsing – #1, #2,
    6. Myths & Legends Vol.1 (R16),
    7. Neverland:
      1. Neverland: Age of Darkness#1, #2,
    8. Realm War: Age of Darkness#1-2, #3, #4, #5, #6,
    9. Oz:
      1. Warlord of Oz #1-2 ,
    10. Robyn Hood:
      1. v2 – #1-2, #3, #4-5 (DR),
      2. Age of Darkness,
      3. Legend #1, #2-4,
  2. Grimm Fairy Tales vs Wonderland#1-2,

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