Comics Picks For 26.03.2014

If last week was an incredible week, then I don’t know what this week was! Probably the most comics I’ve read in a single week, to date. And pretty much across all genres too, so that’s something. I love a good reading week like this, especially when I manage to review as much as I did as well. Which is pretty freaking great.

At the moment, I’m working on catching up to Star Wars: Legacy II by Corinna Bechko and Garbriel Hardman while also finishing up my read-through of the entire Forever Evil: Blight event, which should be sometime tonight. And then after that, still lots of comics to catch up on, a hell of a lot. The lists keep getting longer and longer each week!

Anyway, here’s another edition of this new feature. Full reading list, as always, is available here and all my comics reviews are available here.

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Red Sonja: Berserker (Comics Review)

Dynamite rebooted their Red Sonja title last year with writer Gail Simone and artist Walter Geovani at the helm. Both are some of the most prolific and top-notch creators in the industry and under their pen and pencil, the new series has covered a lot of new ground and has become a monthly must-have on my pull-list. That hasn’t stopped Dynamite from putting out one-shots however, or a mini-series. We’ve had the Peter Brett 5-issue series Red Sonja: Unchained, and the anthology series helmed by Gail and featuring a number of other female writers, Legends of Red Sonja. Now it is time for another one.

Nancy A. Collins is a horror author of long standing and over the years she has worked on several comics properties as well. She was also one of the writers Gail tapped last year for Legends of Red Sonja and her contribution to the anthology was a fairly good one. Now she returns for a one-shot featuring the all-time fantasy favourite redhead, and she tells a story that is emotional and yet visceral in a way that Red Sonja stories usually are. Fritz Casas’ art isn’t spectacular, but it gets the job done and there are quite a few good moments packed into it.

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